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Vastu tips to get Married soon : Find Your Life Partner Quickly

Are you eagerly waiting to get married and wondering how to attract the right life partner? Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and energy balance, offers simple yet effective Vastu remedies and tips to help you get married soon. By making a few Vastu adjustments in your home, you can create a harmonious environment that attracts Love and a suitable partner. Here are some powerful Vastu tips to get married soon for both girls and boys.

Vastu Tips to Help You Get Married Soon

Follow below Vastu tips sincerely to Attract the Right Life Partner and Get Married:

1. Keep Your Bedroom Clutter-Free : A clean and organized Home as well as bedroom attracts positive energy. Remove any clutter, especially in your room and from under the bed, to allow the free flow of positive vibes. This simple change will significantly improve your chances of getting married quickly.

 2. Use the Right Colors : Incorporate colors like pink, red, and shades of green in the South-East direction of your Home décor. These colors symbolize Love, Romance, and new beginnings, enhancing your chances of finding a life partner soon.

 3. Position Your Bed Correctly :  Place your bed in the direction of attraction i.e. North of North West if possible with your head pointing South while sleeping. This placement enhances the charm and attraction required for relationships.

4. Display Happy Couple Photos : Hang pictures of happy couple in golden frame in West direction of your home or your bedroom to attract the same kind of energy into your life. Avoid displaying solitary images or pictures depicting loneliness.

5. Enhance the Southwest Corner : The Southwest corner of your home is associated with stabiity and bond in relationships. Place a pair of lovebirds or a beautiful pair of candles in this area to activate the energy for marriage.

6. Light Fragrance and Fresh Flowers : Keep fresh flowers and light aromatic candles in your home, especially in the bedroom. The pleasant fragrance and freshness invite positive energy and can help in getting married soon.

Powerful Solutions for Delayed Marriage for Girls

1. Place a Peacock Feather in Your Room : Peacock feathers are known to bring love and positive energy. Place one in the northwest corner of your room to attract the right partner.

2. Wear Gauri Shankar Rudraksha : Wearing a Gauri Shankar Rudraksha helps balance your energies and increases the chances of getting married soon. It is believed to harmonize relationships and attract marital bliss.

 3. Use a Rose Quartz Crystal : Keep a rose quartz crystal in your bedroom or wear it as a pendant. This crystal is known for its properties of attracting love and strengthening relationships.

Vastu Tips for Getting Life Partner Soon for Boys

1. Sleep in the Northwest Direction : For boys, sleeping in the northwest direction can help in attracting the right life partner. Ensure your bed is positioned accordingly.

2. Keep a Pair of Elephants : Place a pair of elephants with their trunks up in the northwest direction of your home. This symbolizes good luck and attracts positive relationship energies.

3. Decorate with Fresh Flowers : Keeping fresh flowers, especially in the northwest corner of your home, can enhance the chances of getting married soon. The fragrance and freshness attract positive vibes.

Remedies to Get Married Soon

1. Perform the “Gauri Shankar Puja” : Performing the Gauri Shankar Puja can help remove obstacles in marriage and attract a suitable partner. This powerful ritual is specifically beneficial for those facing delays in marriage.

2. Light a Lamp in the Southwest Corner : Light a lamp or candle in the southwest corner of your home every evening. This ritual strengthens the energy of relationships and increases the chances of getting married quickly.

3. Use Red or Pink Bedsheets : Use red or pink bedsheets in your bedroom. These colors are known to attract love and enhance marital prospects.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What to Do to Get Married Quickly?

To get married quickly, follow Vastu tips such as keeping your bedroom clutter-free, using love-attracting colors like pink and red, and placing happy couple photos in your room. Additionally, lighting lamps and keeping fresh flowers can enhance positive energy.

What Are the Fastest Ways to Get Married?

The fastest ways to get married include following Vastu remedies like positioning your bed correctly, enhancing the southwest corner of your home, and wearing a Gauri Shankar Rudraksha. Performing specific rituals like the Gauri Shankar Puja can also expedite the process.

Which Direction Is Good for Early Marriage?

The southwest direction of your home is crucial for early marriage. Ensuring this area is free of clutter and well-energized with symbols of love can significantly enhance your prospects of getting married soon.

What Is the Luckiest Time to Get Married?

The luckiest time to get married can vary based on astrological factors and personal horoscopes. However, following Vastu Shastra principles can create a positive environment that supports marriage prospects throughout the year.


Implementing these Vastu tips to get married soon can bring harmony and positive energy into your life, helping you attract the right life partner quickly. Whether you are a girl or a boy, these remedies and adjustments can significantly improve your marital prospects. For personalized Vastu consultations, contact us, and we'll help you find the best and most effective solutions for a happy and fulfilling married life.

By following these Vastu tips, you can create an environment that attracts love and helps you get married soon. Start making these changes today and see the positive impact on your life!

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Acharya Chhaya Goyal

Founder Vaastu Devayah Namah

Vaastu Acharya Chhaya Goyal is an internationally acclaimed Vastu Consultant with more than 20 years of extensive Vastu consultancy experience. A prominent face in the field of Vaastu, Acharya Chhaya Goyal uses her expertise to help those seeking professional Vastu consultancy services. Her deep understanding lies in the application of Vaastu to the process of creating serenity, which leads to continuous peace, prosperity, and success in life.

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