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5 Vastu points to check before buying a home Importance of North East Direction Role Of Vastu In Career Advancement Best Sitting Direction In Office Vastu Tips for Happy Married Life Importance of Colors as per Vastu Shastra Vastu & Water Element (Jal-Tatva) Myths about Vastu For Kitchen Vastu Tips for Child Health Effects Of Geopathic Stress on Health Vastu Tips For Quality Sleep Vastu Tips For Temple At Home Vaastu Tips to Attract Money Vastu For Industries Vastu Tips For New Home Selection Vaastu For Business Self Help Vaastu Tips Vastu Tips For Business Growth No Demolition Vastu Soutions Vastu Tips For Health & Immunity Vastu Tips For Home Decoration Vastu Tips For Kitchen Vastu Tips for Job Vastu For Home Vastu For Financial Year Vastu Tips for Car Parking Vastu Tips For Better Relationship Vastu Tips For Bedroom Signifance of Toilet Locations Fire Element & Vastu (Agani-Tatva) Vastu & Five Elements (Panchtatvas) Have you ever wondered why Ganesh Ji idol is immersed Benefits of a Vastu compliant home Effect of Plants as per Vastu Shastra Vastu Shastra for Main Entrance Effect of Mirrors as per Vastu Shastra Easy Vastu Tips for Study 5 Vastu Rules for Setting up Home Office Factory Vastu Layout: What You Must Know? Must-Follow Principles For West Facing House Vastu Vastu Kitchen Colour: What You Must Know? What You Must Know About Home Colours As Per Vastu? A Guide to the Best Vastu Colours for Bedroom Vastu for home plan Vastu For Peace of Mind Vastu Tips For Factory

Five Vastu check points before buying a home

Buying a property is a significant milestone for most of the individuals and families, representing a momentous and eagerly anticipated decision. The process of buying a property can be a culmination of years of planning, saving, and hard work. It is a moment that holds great importance and meaning, as it represents the attainment of a dream and the fulfillment of a long-term goal.

Vastu point for buying home

Integrate Vastushastra to Craft Your Space

Buying a property is an essential and important decision that requires thorough research, thoughtful consideration of location, price, and an expert advice on Vastushastra to ensure a successful and fulfilling experience. It is important to weigh all the options on above parameters and make a well-informed decision based on individual needs and preferences which also offers the freedom to personalize and design the space according to one's own preferences, reflecting their personality and style. Selecting a Vastu compliant property is much more than just a place to call home, it also brings in a sense of security, stability and success mindset.

Are your CHALLENGES due to Vastu Dosha of your Home?

Are you tired of facing challenges and obstacles in your life? Do you feel like something is amiss in your home, affecting your overall well-being and success? It's time to confront the reality of Vastu Dosha in your home! Take charge of your life and make a change today. Don't let these negative energies hold you back any longer! Find more

Vastu Transforms Properties into Fortunate Future

Following Vastu principles ensures the flow of positive energy and good fortune to a property. Vastu compliance may include considerations such as the orientation of the building, the placement of rooms and furniture, the location of doors and windows, and the use of colors and materials.With Vastu holding much importance in shaping our lives & businesses, it becomes prudent to evaluate the property from Vastu perspective before buying the same. Buying a Vastu compliant property not only saves us from misfortunes, but also takes us to a better dimension of life where we can optimize success & prosperity. This blog will guide you the broad Vastu tips for home which must be considered while selecting a property.

North-East Direction

The first & foremost point to check before buying any property, an apartment or a house, is the North-East direction of the place. The below listed points will make you aware of the aspects of this direction with respect to Vastu Shastra, so that you can check the same while buying a property.

  • The North-East direction, also called the Ishaan Kon, is one of the most important and sensitive directions of any property.
  • It is the direction which acts as the source or origin of positive energies in that particular place & must be kept neat, clean & vibrant.
  • This direction also represents the head of “Vastu Purusha”. As per the symptoms and is often termed as the “Brain of the House”.
  • This is the most ideal direction to have a prayer room, temple or meditation space.
  • A property which has a toilet, kitchen, store, septic tank or any other low energy activity should not be bought, unless one has a practical option of removing the aforesaid from North-East direction. If the North-East direction is affected by any means, and there is no possibility of renovation, one must not buy the said property.

    Many people want to rely on remedies or Vastu treatments, as the property appeals to them and they ask for Vastu compensations. One must be very cautious and aware that there is no fully effective Vastu treatment for the defects of North-East direction. Avoid having a store room, toilet or kitchen in the North-East Direction.

    Click to Read about Significance of North-East direction..

    Placement of Kitchen

    Vastu point for buying home

    The kitchen is the major fire activity in any place. The direction or placement of the kitchen matters much as per Vastu. Having the kitchen in the direction as per Vastu, is a major benefit and helps the occupants in numerous ways.

    Firstly, we must know that when we refer to the kitchen, the actual thing to consider as per Vastu is the placement of the cooking stove or heating appliances. The fire related equipment actually represents the fire element in the space.

  • As per Vastu Shastra, it is recommended to have fire activity between the South-East & South directions. This direction belongs to the fire element and having a kitchen here ensures the fire element is balanced.
  • Also, the second-best direction for having a kitchen is the West direction. But a kitchen is West direction must be planned with proper Vastu balancing, else it may not serve the desired results.
  • Not only the direction of the kitchen, but also color schemes in the kitchen must be as per Vastu. Having black, blue or grey colors in the kitchen prove to be disastrous as it disturbs the fire element.
  • One must try to buy a property which has a kitchen in the South-East to South direction, which is ideal as per Vastu. However, sometimes due to modern constructions and apartment concepts, if the kitchen is not in the above-mentioned directions, it is always better to check with a Vastu Expert if the kitchen can be managed by Vastu Treatment. The ideal Vastu direction for kitchen (fire) is between South-East & South. If the kitchen is not in the right direction, skip buying the said property.

    Click to Read some Important Vastu Tips for Kitchen.

    Entrance (Main Door/Gate)

    Vastu point for buying home

    It is a very popular myth that we must always buy an East facing property & must avoid a South facing property. Even the same is recommended by Dr. Google & Dr. YouTube. However, we must understand that it is not the facing what matters, but the direction in which the main door is located which is important as per Vastu.

  • We must not generalize that south facing properties are not good as per Vastu. South facing properties with entrance gate between south-east & south is much auspicious.
  • Not all east facing properties are good. East facing properties with the main door towards South-East are not good.
  • Entrance is the mouth for the property. Just like our body grows and maintains health in accordance to what we eat through our mouth, similarly, the growth & health of the property is governed by the type of energies entering through the main gate.

    While buying a property we must be very careful about choosing a property with the best entrance. We must not check the entrance directions by approximation, rather consult a Vastu Consultant, who would evaluate whether the entrance would be beneficial or not. Avoid an entrance or main door in the South-West Direction.

    Click to Read Vastu Tips for Entrance. -

    Low Energy and Productive Areas

    Vastu point for buying home

    Optimizing productivity and positivity in any space involves following Vastu guidelines tailored to that environment. It's crucial to consider energy distribution when planning activities and placements within a space.

    For instance, areas with lower energy levels, like toilets and disposal zones, should be strategically positioned. Meanwhile, spaces with positive energy flow, such as bedrooms, home offices, and study areas, should host productive activities. Maintaining this balance is vital.

    However, violating these principles, such as placing bedrooms or home offices in low-energy zones, or situating toilets or dustbins in positive energy areas leads to significant challenges. A knowledgeable Vastu expert will assess these factors before advising on property purchases. This foundational aspect of Vastu planning, known as "Correct Placement as per nature of activity or object," typically doesn't involve remedies. For example, if the master room is in a low-energy direction, a genuine Vastu advisor would recommend relocating the bedroom rather than offering remedies for incorrect bed positioning.

    Click to Read about Effect of Toilet Seat due to incorrect placement.

    Proximity to Nature

    vastu check for home

    Being close to nature is essential for a healthy mind, body, and soul. Especially after the challenges of COVID-19, people now recognize the importance of wellness alongside their careers. Therefore, when purchasing a property, it's vital to prioritize natural elements that can enhance our surroundings and well-being.

  • Welcoming daylight or sunlight from any direction into the property is highly encouraged by Vastu shastra. The more sunlight we invite through windows, doors, or balconies, the more positive energy flows within the space.
  • Ventilation is equally crucial. Ensuring maximum airflow from all directions through cross ventilation contributes to a refreshing and invigorating atmosphere within the property.
  • Moreover, having greenery, gardens, parks, lakes, or any natural landscapes nearby adds to the property's positive Vastu vibes. Therefore, it's wise to ensure the presence of nature in some form around the property you intend to purchase.
  • Properties lacking natural elements like greenery or ample sunlight may not provide the necessary positive vibrations. Prioritizing nature's presence when choosing a property can significantly enhance its overall appeal and contribute to a healthier and more harmonious living environment.

    Click to Read about Vaastu Effect of Indoor & Outdoor Plants.

    Important Notes

  • All the above Vastu advice are given by professional Vastu Experts from Vaastu Devayah Namah and are based on scientific & logical principles of Vastu Shastra. However, it is not recommended to implement any Vastu remedies without expert advice from a learned Vastu consultant since Vastu working involves precision and calculations which are specific to each property.
  • Also, contrary to popular belief, we must be aware that Vastu does not necessarily require reconstruction or demolition. By aligning the interiors, choosing the directions as per activity and with Vastu treatments or remedies, Vastu compliance can be achieved.
  • Know our Vastu Expert Acharya Chhaya Goyal

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