“Healthy Space helps with Healthy Thoughts and Healthy Thoughts Are Important for Healthy Body” Disease can be understood as Dis-Ease which means when Ease is disturbed.
There are innumerable case studies where the health of the occupants could be restored in a short span of time after balancing the Vastu Dosha of that house. Indeed, whenever there is illness, it directly implies that Energies of that house are disturbed.
There are two types of energies as we already know, Positive and Negative. In terms of Vastu, these are Energy fields Sur (Positive) and Asur (Negative). Whenever Sur gets dis-balanced, Asur takes over and the resistance power or immune system of the body starts getting compromised and makes one prone to illness.
Though all the directions of the house need to be Vastu balanced to enjoy all round Health, Wealth and Prosperity, but when we talk about having a good immunity and resistance power, two directions play a very important role. These are North of North East and South of South East.
Let’s understand the Do’s and Don’ts of both directions one by one.
This direction is important for physical as well as emotional health.
This direction helps in giving the occupants good vital energy, and physical as well as mental stamina when the energies of this direction are harmonized.
If the above points are taken care of sincerely, you can feel healthy and relieved even in the time of this Corona virus pandemic. To guard yourself from the Covid-19 virus, it is very important to follow precautions and safety guidelines as issued by experts and the government.
Along with that, Vaastu balancing of your house/office helps support good health and wellness, and prevents the adverse impact of existing health issues and such viruses. If there is any imbalance such as the presence of a toilet, or heavy Gen-set in these directions which cannot be shifted immediately, consult any Learned and Experienced Vastu Expert only for effective solution.
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