North facing house, if made as per Vastushastra has invarialbly proven highly beneficial for the owner and other family members. The direction of north is the direction of “Lord Kuber” who is the significator of monetary wealth and financial opportunities.
Vastu for north facing house entrance is the first and most critical factor to consider while building a new property or buying a new house. Vastushastra puts a lot of emphasises on main gate or main entrance of any house as the pedestal that decides or determines what kind of energies are going to enter into your house. Before finalizing a North facing house, we must ensure that the entrance of the house as well as other important activities are placed auspiciously, in other words it complies to the rules of vastu. If the entrance is Vastu compliant then you are all good to go, but if it is not then it is advised that you visit a learned Vastu Expert and get the property vastu check done.
As we have already mentioned that there are a number of factors that play a role to determine whether North facing or any house vastu is auspicious or not. Let us take a closer look at all these factors this time. Here are a few suggestions and advices from excellent vastu experts of famous Vastu consultancy service, Vaastu Devayah Namah.
Here are few pointers for North facing house vastu:
We have come to conclude the discussion of north facing house vastu in today’s session. It was an amazing session with so many facts and information munched down in tiny chunks of facts and figures. We hope this reading proved to be fruitful for your time and you learned a great deal from this piece. If you found this helpful then do not forget to share it with your near and dear ones so that they could take some help out of it too.
This is just one of the aspects of vastu shastra for house. There are hundreds and thousands of other unsolved puzzles that can find their missing pieces with the help of vatsu. You can learn more about vastu for home by visiting our website.
If you wish to learn more about vastu in general then do visit our site, Vastu Devayah Namah. You might find your answers and the greatest help of excellent vastu experts there. You can contact us directly using the phone number or the given email address. Until then, see you.
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